Sunday Thinking

"Becoming our fullest, truest selves, and living our biggest and best lives is how we honor the miracle of our aliveness."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"We all have regrets and most of us know that those regrets, as excruciating as they can be, are the things that help us lead improved lives. Or, rather, there are certain regrets that, as they emerge, can accompany us on the incremental bettering of our lives. Regrets are forever floating to the surface. They require our attention. You have to do something with them. One way is to seek forgiveness by making what might be called living amends, by using whatever gifts you may have in order to help rehabilitate the world."

― Nick Cave, The Marginalian

I. Let Go of the Past, Connect with the Present

Goals for the remainder of the year:

  • Don’t listen to the feeling that you need to perform for people.

  • Say no to situations that burn way too much of your energy.

  • Surround yourself with people who love the authentic you.

  • Let your intuition guide you, not your fears or cravings.

Source: Yung Pueblo, Lighter

II. The Person in the Mirror

  • Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is yet to come. What we do today is the only moment that is ever guaranteed. Rise above the noise and doubt.

  • We are not our past. We are growing, healing, and evolving every day — our lives and culture change with our daily habits.

  • Nothing on the outside can affect our inner peace and wellness without my conscious permission. Don't take anything personally. Always do our best.

  • The greatest gift we have to give is that of our own self-transformation. Great leadership begins with self-leadership.

III. The Listening Leader

The true leader in a group is rarely the person who talks the most.

  • It’s usually the person who listens best. 

  • Listening is more than hearing what’s said. It’s noticing and surfacing what isn’t said.

Inviting dissenting views and amplifying quiet voices are acts of leadership.

Source: Adam Grant, Think Again

IV. What We’re Excited About

This little known productivity app is the secret of silicon valley high achievers

You need to create the atomic habits that propel you towards achieving your goals. You need a daily system. Todo apps fail to do this.

Sunsama helps you execute proven methods such as timeboxing by pulling in your emails and calendar events as tasks. It integrates with your tools such as Notion, Asana, Trello, and a lot more. Users call it “the last productivity app you’ll ever need”... and they’re not kidding!

V. Question

What has your past taught you about growth and self-forgiveness?

VII. This Week, I Will

  1. Live in alignment with my values.

  2. Allow myself to rest and recharge.

  3. Take small steps to meet my needs.

  4. Spend time in silence and reflection.

  5. Practice self-compassion by observing my self-talk.

The Last Words…

"A bottle of water can be .50 cents at a supermarket. $2 at the gym. $3 at the movies and $6 on a plane. Same water. Only thing that changed its value was the place. So the next time you feel your worth is nothing, maybe you’re at the wrong place."

― Kobi Simmons, Professional Athlete

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