Sunday Thinking

Connect the dots and seek the truth while being at peace with the silence.

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“The most important thing in life is how your career moves and touches those around you, how it carries forward to the next generation. That’s what makes true greatness. To make the transformation from looking inwardly to then growing and understanding the power and importance of looking outwardly.” 

— Kobe Bryant

I. Future Proof Your Career

Investing in your self-development is the best investment you will ever make.

  • Be Relevant

  • Be Indispensable

  • Be Uncommon

II. 10 Life Lessons from Albert Einstein

  1. Create Value & Don’t Be Repetitive

  2. Make Mistakes & Live in the Moment

  3. Focus on the Present & Imagination is Powerful

  4. Follow Your Curiosity & Perseverance is Priceless

  5. Knowledge Comes From Experience & Learn the Rules and Then Play Better

Source: Virtues For Life 

III. Take Your Life Back 

Many of the decisions we make are either based on:

  1. Growth

  2. Fear

Do not allow other people's agendas and fixed views dominate too much of your day, energy and mind space. When searching for answers, first look within.

IV. Question

Do you ask enough questions or do you settle for what you know?

The Last Words…

“Ignore the glass ceiling and do your work. If you’re focusing on the glass ceiling, focusing on what you don’t have, focusing on the limitations, then you will be limited.”

— Ava DuVernay

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