Sunday Thinking

"Your essence will forever supersede any identity you've adopted throughout your life. You are much more than a name or a title. Remember that."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"If I've impacted on one heart, one mind, one soul, and brought to that individual a greater truth than that individual came into a relationship with me having, then I would say that I have been successful."

Harry Belafonte, Barrier-Breaking Singer, Actor & Activist

I. The Inner Dialogue

How have you been speaking to yourself lately?

So much of what happens outside of us is a direct result of a lot of the things we subconsciously (or consciously) do within:

  • The way you talk to yourself after your mistakes, your faults, the conversations you have in the midst of depression or heartache, all rapidly shift the energy in your external world.

  • Be kind to yourself whenever you can, be patient with yourself throughout and honor the spaces within you that are still healing with nothing but softness and love.

"The inner dialogue you have with yourself will always be the most important communication you ever have to learn. How you listen to your body and how you speak to yourself in your lowest moments shapes and shifts everything around you."

Source: Billy Chapata, Velvet Dragonflies

II. The Gifts of Imperfection

Vulnerability can be a strength rather than a weakness. By being willing to show our true selves, flaws and all, we can deepen our connections with others and lead more authentic and fulfilling lives. It takes courage to be vulnerable, but the discoveries and rewards are truly worthwhile.

Here are 5 leadership lessons to reflect on as we navigate life, love, coaching and parenting:

  1. The end of your comfort zone is where your leadership begins.

  2. The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own example.

  3. The ultimate goal of leadership is to raise the level of your team.

  4. The value of your leadership is found in the value of your relationships.

  5. The true test of leadership is how you respond to adversity.

Source: The Coaches' Journal

III. The Mountain is You

Finding your purpose is not necessarily about realizing that you are destined to live in a monastery or devote your life to a singular vocation or goal.

  • Your purpose is not one job, it is not one relationship, it is not even one career field.

  • Your purpose is, first and foremost, just to be here. To grow through the transits of being human.

  • To develop yourself in lived experience, from the inside out.

When you realize that you are always impacting the world around you, you start to realize something: the most important thing you can do to live meaningfully is to work on yourself, first.

  • Your purpose is not just one thing.

  • Your purpose is a result of the fullest expression of the most actualized version of who you already are.

Source: Brianna Wiest, The Mountain is You

IV. What We’re Excited About

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V. Question

What do you need to do in order to arrive to your deathbed proud of yourself?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Bring energy and effort.

  2. Take time to center myself.

  3. Use my power to empower others.

  4. Let go of expecting perfection out of myself.

  5. Put one foot in front of the other and keep going.

The Last Words…

"You're going to realize it one day ― that happiness was never about your job or your degree or being in a relationship. Happiness was never about following in the footsteps of all of those who came before you; it was never about being like the others. One day, you're going to see it ― that happiness was always about the discovery, the hope, the listening to your heart and following it wherever it chose to go. Happiness was always about being kinder to yourself; it was always about embracing the person you were becoming. One day, you will understand that happiness was always about learning how to live with yourself, that your happiness was never in the hands of others. It was always about you. It was always about you."

― Bianca Sparacino, A Gentle Reminder

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