Sunday Thinking

I sit in trust, I stand in truth and I rise in wholeness.

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“I had to claim my birthright. I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am, also, much more than that. So are we all.”

― James Baldwin, Notes of a Native Son

I. Where’s the Courage?

Our society is experiencing a deficit in courageous leadership. Much of the conversation and strategy today is focused on ME and not WE.

Courageous Leaders:

  • Admits their mistakes and welcomes different points of view.

  • Understand if you want to travel fast, travel alone. But if you want to travel far, travel together.

  • Lead with enthusiasm, create with strategy, communicate with poise, and problem solve with purpose.

  • Realizes the things they do for themselves are gone when they are gone. But the things they do for others remains their legacy.

II. Self-Care: Don't Forget to Breathe

  • Give yourself grace to show up in spaces flawed yet whole and enough. Breathe.

  • Don’t fight the mental chatter. Let it be, notice it, and let it subside. Breathe.

  • Instead of grabbing your phone first thing in the morning, be still. Breathe.

  • Spend time with yourself. Be aware of the silence. Breathe.

  • The power lies in this present moment. Accept the now. Breathe.

  • The chaos will calm. Breathe.

III. What Can I Do?

If you want to know what you can do...

Take this pledge and live it:

I will fully commit to being a positive change agent and a positive difference maker in as many lives as possible.

IV. Question

What do you want to lean deeper into this year?

V. This Week I Will

  1. Identify my needs.

  2. Acknowledge the present.

  3. Grow and heal at my own speed.

  4. Be intentional with my decisions.

  5. Practice responding, not reacting.

The Last Words…

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

― Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

P.S. Searching for a book recommendation? Our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends Entrepreneurs Who Changed History by DK. Boldly illustrated and comprehensive in its scope and depth, Entrepreneurs Who Changed History profiles more than 90 industry leaders across the world and throughout the ages - from the enterprising bankers of the medieval world and the merchants of an empire to the titans of industry and the geniuses of Silicon Valley.

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