Sunday Thinking

"They say you only live once. It's not true. You only die once. You live every day. Make the most of this precious moment."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"Mental clarity is not having an empty mind. It's seeing your thoughts as passing notes and realizing you don't have to get caught up in them. You have the power to let them go, turn them into actions, or just reflect on the insights that they share."

― Cory Allen, Now Is The Way

Image by Naren

I. From Seconds to Significance

We get 84,600 seconds a day.

Imagine if you wake up every day with $84,600 in your bank account and every day, at the end of the night, it's gone whether you wasted it or not, and then the next day, you get another $84,600...

  • You would do everything in your power to spend it because you know the next day you're getting $84,600. You wouldn't want to leave anything there ― you would make the best of it, right?

We get 84,600 seconds of unique opportunity each day, so why waste time? It doesn't carry over to the next day. It doesn't earn interest...

  • Take every day and every moment and make something of it. Make something positive. Let the world know you just didn't exist, but you lived.

II. Unleashing the Power Within

Exemplary leaders tap into five core energies:

  1. Purpose ― commitment to a cause

  2. Wisdom ― calm, receptive to truth

  3. Growth ― curious, open to growing

  4. Love ― connected with their team and those they serve

  5. Self-realization ― centered in a joyful spirit

Source: Financial Times, Learning Leadership from the Inside Out

III. Keep Growing Anyway

  • Your evolution will unsettle those who remain stagnant.

  • Your boundaries will unsettle those who thrive on toxicity.

  • Your authenticity will unsettle those who hide behind masks.

  • Your resilience will unsettle those who underestimated your strength.

  • Your growth will unsettle those who preferred your conformity.

  • And none of that is your responsibility. Keep growing anyway.

Source: We The Urban

IV. What We’re Excited About

Discover the World this Summer with Babbel - Up to 55% Off!

Experience the world through a whole new language this summer.

With Babbel, you'll gain the confidence to communicate at any destination you visit. Our expert linguists have designed lessons that focus on real-world conversations, ensuring you're ready to connect with people wherever your travels take you.

V. Question

What emotional baggage that does not belong to you do you need to put down?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Take care of my health.

  2. Tell people I love them.

  3. Be willing to experiment.

  4. Surrender to the wisdom of change.

  5. Focus on cultivating a life that feels nourishing.

The Last Words…

"At the end of the day, there is only one person with whom you will spend every second, every minute, every day of your entire life. That person is you. Do whatever you need to do to ensure that you like this person. Respect your own boundaries. Listen when your intuition is speaking. Trust the voice of your higher self over the false chatter of your mind. Unlearn what you've been conditioned to believe. Unfold yourself from shallow boxes. Protect your peace at all costs. Walk away from where you are not valued; remind yourself of your worth. Say no to negativity; say yes to what lifts you up. Make the choices that align with your integrity. Be honest with yourself, even when it hurts. Especially when it hurts. Live so firmly rooted in your purpose, that your faith in your light ― the very heart of your existence becomes unshakable. This is not selfish. This is honoring the deepest part of your soul, discovering the love you have been seeking in other people was there all along; this is making your corner of the Earth a more beautiful place to be while you are here."

― Kirsten Robinson, Evergreen

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