Sunday Thinking

Today I refuse to spend time worrying about what might happen — it usually doesn’t. I am going to spend time making things happen.

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“Today I begin by doing and not wasting my time. In one week I will be miles beyond the person I am today. Today I will not imagine what I would do if things were different. They are not different. I will make success with what material I have. Today I will stop saying, “If I had time…” I know I never will “find time” for anything. If I want time, I must make it. Today I will act toward other people as though this might be my last day on earth. I will not wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes.”

— Gerald B. Klein, Time Out For Today

I. Re-imagining Success

Achieving Success: is the process of reaching a specific destination.

Being Successful: is a state of mind and a lifestyle that requires time, energy, sweat equity, discipline, sacrifices, meticulous preparation, and daily repetition. Being successful does not transpire overnight. Rather it is a long transformative journey of new possibilities, not merely a destination.

“Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” — JohnWooden

II. Three Commitments

“Commitment is staying true to what you said you would do long after the mood that you’ve said it in has left.” — Inky Johnson

  1. A Commitment to Courage: Courage Over Confidence

  2. A Commitment to Connection: Connection Over Charisma

  3. A Commitment to Curiosity: Curiosity Over Certainty

Source: Rebecca Newton, Ph.D, Authentic Gravitas

III. Critical Leadership Skills

  • Truth Telling + Self Knowledge

  • Analytical Thinking + Creativity

  • Problem Solving + Conflict Resolution

  • Collaborative Intelligence + Storytelling

  • Information Gathering + Decision Making

“To lead an organization, the key part that you have to work on is yourself. We’re all in people businesses. You can’t run things without people. And I think understanding yourself before going out to lead is very, very important. And, it’s also helpful to get you in that flow state to drive forward the mission of the business.” — Morgan DeBaun

IV. What We’re Reading Online

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V. Question

What have you learned from past relationships that you feel committed to applying in your present relationships?

VI. This Week I Will

  1. Practice forgiveness.

  2. Make someone smile.

  3. Practice what I preach.

  4. Use WE more and ME less.

  5. Make a circumstance better.

The Last Words…

“Life consists of two dates with a dash in between. Make the dash count.”

— Stuart Scott, 2014 Jimmy V Award Acceptance Speech

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