Sunday Thinking

“The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.”

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“Sit with it. Sit with it. Sit with it. Sit with it. Even though you want to run. Even when it’s heavy and difficult. Even though you’re not quite sure of the way through. Healing happens by feeling.”

― Dr. Rebecca Ray, Clinical Psychologist

I. Don't Ever Pass Up An Opportunity 

Don't ever pass up an opportunity to be of encouragement to other people.

  • Don't ever pass up an opportunity to inspire someone.

  • Don't ever pass up an opportunity to empower someone.

  • Don't ever pass up an opportunity to show someone love.

Because the thing about it, is some wounds are visible.

  • But it's a lot of people in this world that are wounded, and you can't see it. And it's internal.

So, the opportunities that we pass up to be a blessing to other people, we can save their lives with just one encounter.

Source: Inky Johnson, Motivational Speaker

II. Start With Why

Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle is more than a model. It's a perspective shift that aligns and connects deeply with how our brain functions, influencing our logical and emotional responses.

You can use it as an individual, team, or company:

1. Identify your "Why": What's your core belief? Or your company's purpose?
2. Clarify your "How": How do you bring this belief to life?
3. Define your "What": What do you offer that supports your "Why" and "How"?

Start with "Why" to inspire and lead. It’s not just about selling products or a vision. It’s about sharing your belief.

What's your Why?

Source: Simon Sinek via Eric Partaker

III. Creative Living Beyond Fear

The most peaceful people I know and the most wise are the ones who have created enough internal space to be able to allow all the parts of themselves to coexist despite the contradictions.

  • So they have room for their creativity, and they also have room for their fears.

  • They have room for their dignity, and they also have room for their shame.

  • They have room for the parts of themselves that are glorious, divine and wonderful.

  • They have room for the parts of themselves that are petty, jealous and ridiculous.

They create this big huge auditorium of landscape inside themselves. They don't kick any part out ― because guess what? You can't.

Source: Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

IV. What We’re Excited About

Your next project’s BFF. Project management doesn't have to be a headache. is the friend your projects need. From concept to completion, experience the magic of managing, automating, and streamlining with

V. Question

Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?

VI. This Week, I Will Remember…

  1. My journey and my joy can coexist.

  2. My pain and my power can coexist.

  3. My past and my potential can coexist.

  4. My strength and my softness can coexist.

  5. My ambition and my contentment can coexist.

The Last Words…

"So this is your life and you are going to be both moved and confused by it. You are going to experience things that will inspire you, and things that you will never quite come to terms with. You are going to love people that you will sometimes lose, but you will also find those who stay. Appreciate those people, let them know you care. You are going to laugh until you cry, you are going to ache in ways you never thought possible; you are going to be exhausted by the chaos of it all and ignited by the beauty. You are going to be hurt, and you are going to hurt. Sometimes you will be the bad person. Sometimes you will be the one who makes the mistake. Sometimes you will have to give yourself your own closure. Sometimes you will have to let go. Sometimes you will have to find comfort in being alone, in being lost. Yes, this is your life, and though it can be unpredictable, and messy, even though it can break you down-you are going to survive it. You will always survive it."

― Bianca Sparacino, A Gentle Reminder

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