Sunday Thinking

"Finding peace in who you are even if you're not where you want to be in your growth is how you make flowers grow from concrete."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"This life is not about finding yourself, for that implies that your being is elsewhere ― apart from you, with others, buried somewhere deep, living presently in a different dimension. This life is about uncovering yourself by peeling off the layers that society has built upon you, for that implies that who you are at your core is with you at all times ― your beliefs, character, personality, purpose, aspirations. It simply has yet to be recollected. Do not try to find yourself, for you will spend an eternity chasing something that can never be found. Instead, look inwards and you will find that everything you have been seeking has been with you all along. It just needs to be remembered."

― Karin Hadadan, Beauty in the Stillness

I. Your Diet

Your diet is not only what you eat:

  • It is what you watch

  • What you listen to

  • What you read

  • The people you hang around

Be mindful of what you put into your body emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Our diet is not just about our stomachs but our souls.

II. Trust Your Phases

"Trust this phase of your life that you're currently in. No matter how cold or warm this phase feels, embrace it. Give it a hug, listen to it, absorb it, understand it. You are where you are supposed to be right now." ― Billy Chapata

  • No risk, no reward

  • No pain, no growth

  • No honesty, no clarity

  • No trust, no friendship

  • No courage, no confidence

  • No vision, no transformation

  • No discipline, no improvement

  • No listening, no understanding

  • No imagination, no opportunity

Discover your why while trusting the phases and your power.

III. The Art of Surrender

8 reminders that will bring you back to the present moment, release your grip and surrender your control:

  1. You can only control your own thoughts and actions. Try not to get too involved in everything else.

  2. Opportunities present themselves when you are prepared to receive them. To be able to hold what you want, you need to first find balance internally.

  3. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean the details aren't being fabricated in the background.

  4. If you believe things will work out, it's more likely they will.

  5. The universe wants the best for you. By releasing your grip, you create space for it to surprise you with unexpected sources of bliss.

  6. Instead of being fearful of the unknown, feel excitement for the wondrous possibilities that you haven't even thought of yet.

  7. Sometimes what you need might not be what you thought you wanted. Stay open-minded to new possibilities.

  8. Take note of what is working in your favor vs. focusing on what you are lacking. Adopting an abundance mindset attracts more into your life.

Source: Karin Hadadan, @icietnu

IV. What We’re Excited About

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Enjoy targeted 8% dividends and a 14% targeted total return with appreciation from hand-picked, stunning vacation homes – starting with a $2,500 minimum – without having to buy a property, change light bulbs or deal with guests. And for a limited time, new REIT investors may get an opportunity to invest in Wander’s next round of funding.

V. Question

If someone could only see my actions and not hear my words, what would they say my priorities are?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Do something every day to grow.

  2. Remove expectations and let things flow.

  3. Choose to have lessons instead of regrets.

  4. Trust that every end leads to a new beginning.

  5. Treat myself the way I seek others to treat me.

The Last Words…

"I hope you know that you don't have to carry the weight of the world on your own. I hope you know that there are people out there who are happy to share the load. I hope you know that your past does not define you, and that it's okay to let go of it, little by little, day by day, until the weight of what you're carrying doesn't make you feel like you're stuck, unable to move in the direction you're longing to move in, unable to move at all. I hope you allow yourself to heal, because you deserve to walk through this life with a purpose. I hope you know that it's okay to release your grip and begin to set yourself free."

― Charlotte Freeman, This Was Meant to Find You

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