Sunday Thinking

"Make your mind a beautiful place to be."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"There will always be another task, another excuse for why now isn't a good time, another reason to put off what will make you happy. But you have to remember that lite is short. If you never prioritize your happiness, you'll end up living a life of to-do's instead of a life of today."

― Cory Allen, Now Is the Way

I. Be Worth Following

What leadership is not about:

  • The title

  • The power

  • The paycheck

What leadership is about:

  • Investing in others

  • Believing in others

  • Developing others

  • Serving others

  • Maximizing the potential of others

Be worth following.

Source: Kevin DeShazo, Co-founder of BETTER

II. Follow the Whisper

You'll know it's meant for you when the idea of never even trying scares you more than the fear that you might fail.

  • When you realize there's something more important than your fears. Something greater. Something that can't be ignored.

  • You'll know it's meant for you when it feels like it isn't just something you can do but something you must do.

  • When you've tried ignoring the call but it only gets louder. When you recognize that this gift you've been given can no longer be kept inside you—that you must share it with something bigger and greater than yourself because this is what the world needs.

You'll know it's meant for you because every cell of your being will scream while your inner voice whispers: This is right. This is worth it. This is the way.

Source: Zanna Keithley, This Is How You Find Your Way

III. One Day

One will all be over.

  • And those insignificant things, situations, and people that took so much of your precious energy and time will mean nothing.

  • And those significant things, situations, and people that deserved so much of your precious energy and time will mean everything.

Source: Branden Collinsworth, Nike Global Performance Coach

IV. What We’re Excited About

Looking to re-shape your company’s or team’s culture? Learn how championship teams establish higher standards, more accountability, and a winning mindset from former 3x Super-Bowl winning NFL Executive, Michael Lombardi. 

Don’t miss your chance to attend Michael Lombardi’s live seminar, “Learning to Lead: How Championship Teams Build Culture,” on July 10th at 4:30pm EST/1:30 pm PST. 

V. Question

Slow down for a minute. Close your eyes. Scan your body. Where are you holding tension right now? Take a deep breath. Relax.

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Communicate my needs.

  2. Give myself space and grace.

  3. Inhale gratitude, exhale the past.

  4. Remember, every single day is a gift.

  5. Trust my voice, even when it shakes, deserves to be heard.

The Last Words…

"We live as if we are promised the experiences and the potential we are chasing, we live as if we have control over what happens to us. But we don't, and that is liberating, because it is pressing — there is urgency within the lesson. It wakes you up. Remember—you are not promised tomorrow. So how are you going to ensure that you crash your heart into your life? How are you going to ensure that you leave this world, whenever it happens for you, with a soul that is tender and full and weathered in the best way? With a soul that was never asked to make itself smaller, with a soul that was never waiting for the day it was skinnier, or prettier, or cooler, or more successful, in order to take advantage of the time it was given? We cannot wait to be the people we have always dreamed of being. We cannot wait for life to perfect itself. There is no right time, there is no perfect circumstance. We have to leap, even when our legs are shaking. We have to show up for ourselves—not in 3 months, or 5 years, or 10 years, but now. In this moment. Because every single day is a blessing. Every single day is a gift. Do not lose sight of that."

― Bianca Sparacino, A Gentle Reminder

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