Sunday Thinking

You will bloom if you take the time to water yourself.

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing. That's the Law of Consistency. It doesn't matter how talented you are. It doesn't matter how many opportunities you receive. If you want to grow, consistency is key.”

John C. Maxwell, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

I. New Week, New Opportunities

Each new week and day presents a unique chance to:

  • Learn more about ourselves.

  • Learn more about our craft.

  • Learn more about our strengths.

  • Learn more about the people we serve and lead.

  • Learn more about the world around and within us.

Instead of looking so far into the future, focus on the growth opportunity of today and this week. Stack days filled with abundance, alignment and action.

II. The Power of Influence

The responsibility of the 21st-century positive difference maker is to lead, manage and coach. Here are 6 ways of thinking about influence:

  1. Live the law of love.

  2. Perform anonymous service.

  3. Keep the promises you make to others.

  4. Reward open, honest expressions or questions.

  5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

  6. Refrain from saying the unkind or negative thing, particularly when you are provoked or fatigued.

III. Reframing Your Day

Instead of feeling that you lost the day after a bad morning or slow start. . .

Reframe each day as 4 quarters:

  • morning

  • midday

  • afternoon

  • evening

If you blow one quarter, just get back on track for the next one. Fail small, not big!

Source: Gretchen Rubin, NYT Bestselling Author

IV. What We’re Excited About

Earn 5X points on health, wellness, and medical spend, and 2X points on everything else. Redeem your points for more amazing healthy products and services in our marketplace, and access membership benefits at the health and wellness brands you know and love (think Peloton, Whole Foods, Thrive Market, and more).

Take advantage of a directory of Ness-vetted health coaches, nutritionists, and behavioral health professionals, and utilize a health concierge to meet your unique goals. Connect with friends and discover what products and services people like you are loving in the marketplace!

The first people off our waitlist are Founding Members, and get extra perks other cardmembers won’t get (like free points to use every month, a custom card, exclusive wellness retreats and workout classes, and more)—so get in early.

Join the waitlist. Become a Founding Member.

V. Question

What moments inspired you most this year?

VI. This Week I Will

  1. Lead with love.

  2. Resist mediocrity.

  3. Release what I can't control.

  4. Do what's right, not what's easy.

  5. Step towards my goals with courage.

The Last Words…

“Everything starts small. Our culture has fooled us into thinking that instant gratification is the way this world works. That big things come overnight, that dreams are achieved all at once. But the truth is, good things take time, they take patience. They take the unshakeable faith that what you feel inside of yourself is so fundamentally true, there is not a person in this world that can strip you of it. Keep going friend, time is always on your side.”

― Déjà Rae, Writer

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