Sunday Thinking

"If anyone is magically going to appear and suddenly make your life better, just know that person is always going to be you."

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"I don't think progress of any kind should be measured with time. It can be difficult to look at who you are now from who you were a month ago. But, little by little, the progress adds up, and we've become a version of ourselves that we were working towards. Or we're a little closer than we once dreamed. We've come to love ourselves a bit better than before. We found out who we are. One day we wake up and the pain isn't as severe, or we've learned how to hold it with compassion instead of letting it tightly hold onto our soul."

― Brianna Pastor, Good Grief

I. Wisdom, Simplified

  • Being kind to others is mostly about your actions. Being kind to yourself is mostly about your thoughts.

  • There is no need to fear any problem you are working on. If you are working on it, then you are influencing the outcome. It’s the problems you don’t address that should concern you.

  • Compete externally and you compare. Compete internally and you improve.

Source: James Clear, The 3-2-1 Newsletter 

II. Beyond 'I've Always Done It This Way'

I hope you allow your life to be bigger than you ever thought it could be.

  • I hope you allow it to embody more beauty than you ever thought possible.

  • I hope you don't get trapped by the small stories, the little ideas you had about what the future would be.

  • I hope you don't long for the things you've outgrown just because they are familiar.

  • I hope you don't consider everything you lose to be a loss.

  • I hope you don't define yourself only by the limits of what you've known. I hope you don't cap your potential at what others have said is possible.

Most of all, I hope you recognize the light when it hits you. I hope you let yourself do more than you ever thought you could.

Source: Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You

III. Scatter Joy

  • The best way to experience joy is to scatter it.

  • The world changes for the better when we realize the power our compassion carries.

  • Don't fool yourself into thinking growth only happens by moving forward. Sometimes, growth looks like pressing pause and healing.

  • The confidence and comfort of sharing your story comes from knowing that impact always outweighs opinions. Judgment never prevails. Your vulnerability will.

Source: The Scatter Joy Project

IV. We’re Excited About

All your news. None of the bias.

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V. Question

In the simplest terms, what have I really wanted out of life?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Remember, I deserve joy.

  2. Remember, it's okay to press pause.

  3. Remember, today is another day to try again.

  4. Remember, my worth has nothing to do with my progress.

  5. Be more concerned with my character than my reputation.

The Last Words…

"Integrity is what you do when no one is watching; it’s always doing the right thing, even when it may work to your disadvantage. Integrity is keeping your word. Integrity is that internal compass and rudder that directs you to where you know you should go when everything around you is pulling you in a different direction. Some people think reputation is the same as integrity, but they are two different things. Your reputation is the public perception of your integrity. Because it’s someone’s opinion of you, it may or may not be accurate. Others determine your reputation, but only you determine your integrity."

― Coach Tony Dungy, Uncommon
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