Sunday Thinking

"One of the most direct ways to create a loving relationship with oneself is through genuinely accepting ourselves just as we are."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"Healing is needed because everything we feel leaves a mark on the mind, and it all accumulates in our conditioning: our family dynamics, what we learned in school, our relationships with friends and partners, the views society imposes on us throughout our lives, our own relationship with ourselves, and any other experience or bit of information that passes through our being. All this comes together to create the totality of our conditioning. Our conditioning does not sit quietly—it permeates how we perceive ourselves, those we interact with, and the world. Our conditioning does more than impact our perception, it goes even further and molds the way we behave. When we talk about healing, and what we are actually healing from, we mean the heavy conditioning that is overloading the mind and slowing us down from living authentically. Our conditioning is literally the past that we carry with us wherever we go."

― Yung Pueblo, Lighter

I. It's All Going To Be Alright

As we embark on this new month and welcome a new season in September, may we cultivate the faith and belief to trust everything is going to be okay and work out.

A new day and month bring:

  • A New Approach + New Chances

  • New Possibilities + New Energy

  • New Improvements + New Growth

  • Another Unique Opportunity To Get 1% Better

"Character is not something we inherit. Character is something we have to wake up and build." ― Inky Johnson

II. A Chance and A Choice

Two things you get every day. You get a chance, and you get a choice. It is our responsibility to make the most of them today!

  • Less phone, more reading.

  • Less facts, more intuition.

  • Less consuming, more creating.

  • Less commotion, more solitude.

  • Less talking, more listening.

  • Less controlling, more sharing.

  • Less judgment, more empathy.

How will we spend our 86,400 seconds today?

III. Living an Uncommon Dream

The life we seek is within our reach:

  • Going after what you want may be scary. Starting a new path can, at times, feel isolating. But remember, you are worthy of your dream life.

  • No journey is without setbacks. Don't get discouraged. Just because things aren't falling into place now doesn't mean they won't. Keep the passion you have in your heart alive.

  • You are worthy of creating the life you want. This season of your life is for thriving ― no more allowing the doubt or discouragement from people who don't have big dreams to throw you off. They don't have to see the vision.

  • Keep following your truth and creating the life you see for yourself.

Source: Alexandra Elle, After the Rain

IV. What We’re Excited About

Are You Really Serious About Beating this Bear Market? Prove it.

Here's the hard truth: with markets in a tailspin, you have to be prepared to do something different that you’re not 100% familiar with. Like looking at an asset class that you probably haven’t heard of, but has outpaced the S&P by 3x for the last 25 years.

What is it? Fine art. That’s right, fine art. How? With Masterworks, an art investment platform whose art investments have generated 15.3% net annualized appreciation since inception in Sept. 2019.

Not an art person? That doesn’t matter, most of their 495,851 users aren’t either. Sounds difficult? Their team of career art market professionals takes care of all the heavy lifting. Expensive? Wrong, now anyone can invest in multi-million dollar paintings by names like Picasso and Banksy.

The only downside? Shares are limited and can sell out in just minutes. But you can skip the waitlist with this unique link. So what are you waiting for?

See important Reg A disclosures.

V. Question

Lately, have you been living in a way that honors your truth?

VII. This Week, I Will

  1. Be kinder to myself.

  2. Fill my cup each day.

  3. Learn something new.

  4. Remember, it's never too late to start a new dream.

  5. Discover the beauty of the small moments and wins.

The Last Words…

"We're each only gifted a certain number of days. There's mere thousands we will experience. And the truth is most are blur, because we only place significance on those where something momentous happens. The extreme highs, the crushing lows. The days that mark a before and an after. We miss all the ones that fall somewhere in the middle. The majority. The seemingly inconsequential, mundane, routine, the every day. We let them all bleed into one another in a blur, not realizing, that there isn't a never-ending, overflowing, abundance of them. Forgetting that one day, the bank of days will inevitably run out. We have to stop being everywhere but where our feet are. We forget it's up to us to make the most of every moment. We push aside the knowledge that life is fleeting, because we're too entitled to what we're not guaranteed ― tomorrow. We tell ourselves that there will be time to do it all later. We're so sure that it will come. But, the time to do it all is really now. The truth is that the magic is right here. It's in the small moments, in the days that seem inconsequential. It's in life. Each day is a gift, a limited number on a tally we don't get to see. Stop waiting. Live now."

― Em Manuel, Salt and Whistle

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