Sunday Thinking

"Everybody deserves to eat. Not everybody deserves to eat at your table."

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"My life got so much better when I let people be who they are. When I stopped expecting them to show up the way that I wanted them to, or even needed them to. When they showed up the way they knew how. I'm like, okay, that's who you are, and I understand that. And I made the choice whether I was going to continue to be your friend or be in this moment with you or not. But understanding people the way they show up and letting them come the way that they are is a beautiful thing, because it can free you from expectation."

― Tyler Perry, Higher Is Waiting

I. The Power of Now

Everybody deserves to eat. Not everybody deserves to eat at your table.

  • Who are you investing your time with and spend your time with?

  • Is it valuable or are you just wasting time?

  • Don't waste your time.

Time is the most valuable thing that you have. Every moment should be accounted for, you should feel great about. You learn something.

If you're not learning, you're dying. 

Source: Marlon Wayans, School of Greatness Podcast

II. Pressure Is A Privilege

Pressure is a privilege, that’s what makes you.

  • And mistakes are not failures, do not ever perceive a mistake as a failure, perceive it as feedback. Everything is feedback.

  • Pay attention, be curious, be nimble, don’t take things personally and never loose sight of your dream.

Struggle is a never-ending process. Freedom is never really won. You earn it and win it in every generation.

Source: Billie Jean King, USC Annenberg Commencement Address

III. Moment of Clarity

  • Chase purpose not attention.

  • There is no magic formula. It’s already within you.

  • If the price is your voice or your truth or your uniqueness: The price is too high.

  • Something changes when you realize that each moment in your life asks this question: Who are you? It's not about where you're going or what you get. It's about answering the perpetual now question: Who are you?

Source: Adeyemi Adeyosoye, Leadership Coach

IV. We’re Excited About

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V. Question

If you could receive a letter from your future self, what advice or insight would you hope to find in it?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Live in alignment.

  2. Lean into the tension and discomfort.

  3. Focus on depth, truth, and soul purpose.

  4. Prioritize health, spirit, learning, and growth.

  5. Measure the day by whether I truly showed up and entered the arena. Not whether I won or lost.

The Last Words…

“I know now that this is how it works. You don’t get to keep everyone in your life forever. There are some people that are meant to be a sunrise for you, a light to pull you out of the darkness. There are friendships, lovers, relationships that are seasonal and no matter how deep of a conversation you had with that person at 2am, no matter how much you shared your heart even if you can still draw the lines of their smile like the map of a too familiar road in the back of your mind there almost always comes a time to move on ― a time to let go and regardless of the letting go I just wanted you to know you’re always going to feel a little bit like home to me no matter how temporary, it is still beautiful that I got to call so many hearts my home.”

― Whitney Hanson, Home

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