Sunday Thinking

Today I am shaken awake to the brilliance of my own being. I reveal it fully!

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“Becoming more aware requires more conscious slowing down. When you are feeling something, slowing down looks a lot like: “Oh. Whoa. I am feeling this way. What is this?” By slowing down we are able to recognize and name our emotions. We can then ask ourselves why we are feeling this way and find solutions that meet our needs. Take it easier on yourself. When we pace ourselves, we have time to relearn and restore.”

― Brianna Pastor, Writer & Poet

I. Taking Back Our Power

Reclaim your power ―

  • Heal yourself.

  • Love yourself.

  • Know yourself.

These phrases are becoming more and more common. Why? Because they are the pathways to our own freedom and happiness.

Source: Yung Pueblo, Inward

II. Higher Self And Ego Who Are You Feeding?

  • The ego self lives in a state of why me. The higher self takes accountability to create a different reality.

  • The ego self has a scarcity mindset. The higher self has an abundance mindset.

  • The ego-self sees mistakes. The higher self sees lessons.

  • The ego self finds complaints about everything. The higher self finds gratitude and joy in life's moments.

III. Bet On Yourself

You can’t spread your wings if you live in a cocoon.

Most human beings find comfort living their lives in a protective cocoon of certainty. But in choosing risk-free existences, we pass up life-enriching challenges and adventures.

Practicing these 3 lifestyle mindsets can help us maximize our time on Earth while making life more fulfilling and meaningful:

  1. Give yourself time ― You’re never too old to cultivate and live your dreams. You can follow your heart’s desire at any time.

  2. Live your own life ― Choosing a path in life to please others is usually not sustainable. Living in truth always sets us free. Listen to your inner voice and stay true to yourself.

  3. Stay present Life is the greatest teacher. Be conscious of the people and events around you. You can miss out on valuable experiences if you’re constantly thinking about the future. Immerse yourself in the present moment while challenging the status quo.

Source: Ann Hiatt, Bet on Yourself

IV. What We’re Excited About

Hedgehog Trivia hosts live virtual trivia games for teams.

These events are designed with challenging but approachable questions to get the entire team interacting and having fun. Hedgehog’s professional hosts are great at entertaining and engaging the whole group and they’ve built their own software to provide a much more immersive experience than Zoom-based trivia games can deliver.

Hedgehog has hosted games with the likes of Google, Facebook & Dropbox and they keep coming back because of the mix of intimate breakout rooms and larger team interaction.

V. Question

What has stuck with you from childhood that you're unlearning?

VII. This Week, I Will

  1. Lead by example.

  2. Be kind to my mind.

  3. Nurture my creative heart.

  4. Schedule blocks for breaks.

  5. Find wisdom in uncertainty.

The Last Words…

“The proposition that we can look into another person's heart with perfect clarity strikes me as a fool's game. I don't care how well we think we should understand them, or how much we love them. All it can do is cause us pain. Examining your own heart, however, is another matter. I think it's possible to see what's in there if you work hard enough at it. So in the end maybe that’s the challenge: to look inside your own heart as perceptively and seriously as you can, and to make peace with what you find there. If we hope to truly see another person, we have to start by looking within ourselves.”

― Haruki Murakami, Writer

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