Sunday Thinking

"You didn't run out of time. You are not too old. It is not too late. Go for it ― just do it."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"Happiness is often confused with perfection; it is seen as a smoothness in external events where everything that you like and love about life remains precisely abundant. The problem with perfection is that it is mythical, it is an imaginary pathway that, with enough time, will lead back to sorrow. Being attached to perfection is not only a refusal to accept the ups and downs of reality, but also a manifestation of the craving to control. Life is not a straight and unbreakable line, it is choppy, unpredictable, and is more similar to waves and the movement of tides. And much of it is out of our control. Giving external events a high degree of importance over how you feel inside will lead you far away from happiness."

Yung Pueblo, Lighter

I. Be Loyal to Principles

  • When you follow a leader, consider what would lead you to withdraw your support.

  • If the answer is nothing, your integrity is in jeopardy. Your highest loyalty belongs to principles, not people.

  • No leader deserves unconditional love. Commitment is earned through character.

Source: Adam Grant, Think Again

II.  When One Door Closes

  • We can't change our past, but we can change our perspective.

  • We can't change our past, but we can choose to learn from it.

  • We can't change our past, but we can change our future.

"When one door closes another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us." 

III. Going Beyond Yourself

10 qualities of a great teammate:

  1. Lead by example + Sacrifice your ego

  2. Care passionately + Bring out the best in others

  3. Communicate openly + Be a positive force

  4. Show respect + Be reliable

  5. Competent + Highly competitive

Source: JP Clark, Delaware Blue Coats Assistant Coach

IV. What We’re Excited About

Above Par Trips is the easiest and cheapest way to find and book your next golf trip! 

Search through their 40+ golf resort partners to find the perfect location for your next golf trip, based on pricing, location, weather, social options, resort details, golf course details, lodging accommodations and more. 

They have created a centralized location where golfers can search for their perfect golf trip based on their group’s specific needs – pricing, location, weather, social options.

Above Par Trips hopes to make your life a little easier in finding your next golf adventure. They have partnered with 40+ golf resorts (and growing) to create a centralized repository to match each golf group with their perfect destination.

V. Question

What is patience teaching you about trusting the timing of your life?

VII. This Week, I Will

  1. Give thanks for life.

  2. Not take things personally.

  3. Vibrate above the negativity

  4. Remember, if it feels forced, free it.

  5. Realize a calm mind is a powerful mind.

The Last Words…

"Happiness turned to me and said, ‘It is time. It is time to forgive yourself for all of the things you did not become. It is time to exonerate yourself for all the people you couldn’t save, for all the fragile hearts you fumbled with in the dark of your confusion. It is time, child, to accept that you don’t have to be who you were a year ago, that you don’t have to want the same things. Above all else, it is time to believe, with reckless abandon, that you are worthy of me, for I have been waiting for years."

― Bianca Sparacino, A Gentle Reminder

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