Sunday Thinking

I choose to reveal the highest and best within me no matter what.

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“If you’re one of those people who has that little voice in the back of her mind saying, ‘Maybe I could do [fill in the blank],’ don’t tell it to be quiet. Give it a little room to grow, and try to find an environment it can grow in.”

― Reese Witherspoon, Actor

I. Rethinking Our Competition

The most important person we'll ever coach, lead, and manage is ourselves. Our competition is not other people.

Our competition is:

  • Our ego.

  • Our self-doubt.

  • Our distractions.

  • Our bad habits.

  • Our procrastination.

  • Our lack of discipline.

  • Our unhealthy lifestyle choices.

  • The negative behavior we nurture.

  • The knowledge we neglect to learn.

II. Intentional Living

Learn from the past: Adversity is an experience, not a final act.

Live in the present: Every day is a gift, an opportunity, an interview, a new story, a celebration, a blank canvas, an intellectual journey, a negotiation. Every day is Now.

Believe in the future: Believe in your heart, for it offers hope. Believe in your mind, for it offers direction. Believe in your soul for it offers strength.

III. When In Doubt

Remember you have:

  • the power to say no + the authenticity to be you.

  • the patience to keep learning + the fortitude to continue trying.

  • the courage to embrace change + the fearlessness to give selflessly.

  • the wisdom to cultivate inner peace + the bravery to fulfill your aspirations.

  • the openness that grows friendships + the awareness to follow your intuition.

  • the intelligence to not repeat the past.

Source: Yung Pueblo, Clarity & Connection

IV. What We’re Reading

If you’re eager to learn new skills and looking to get smarter each day, but are overwhelmed with too much content, give Refind a try!

Get a daily selection of links that move you forward and are tailored to your interests to help make you smarter on a ton of topics, for FREE!

V. Question

What have you forgotten to do lately, and how can you become more aligned with what brings you joy?

VI. This Week I Will

  1. Get proper rest.

  2. Pause, think, act.

  3. Say no to old patterns.

  4. Be intentional with my actions.

  5. Practice honesty with myself and others.

The Last Words…

“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.”

― Kahlil Gibran, Writer

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