Sunday Thinking

“One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.”

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"If you would like to change your life, you must first change the way you think about your life. Thoughts are not just thoughts. They are bridges and doors and entryways and foundations. They magnetize and repel. They can build a house and tear it down. They can energize momentum, or keep you idling within your own little world forever. Thoughts are investments, and they are decisions. The mind will generate an endless series of options ― some inspiring, and others terrifying ― and so you must choose. You must choose what you will return to, what you will believe in, what you will place weight on. Because thoughts create feeling, and feeling creates desire and desire creates action and action creates reward and reward creates more desire, and before you know it, a thought became a torch that led you down the path that is your life. If you would like to change your life, you must first change the way you think about your life. There was never another way."

― Brianna Wiest, The Pivot Year

I. The Miracle of Mindfulness

Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize:

  • a blue sky

  • white clouds

  • green leaves

  • the black, curious eyes of a child

  • our own two eyes

All is a miracle.

Source: Thích Nhất Hạnh, Plum Village

II. Find No Shame

Take your time with this masterpiece you're becoming. Greatness needs no reason to rush. It will announce itself naturally when the moment is right.

  • Find no shame in going back to the root and beginning again.

  • Find no shame in rerouting because the path you took no longer gives you life.

  • Find no shame in admitting that you made mistakes along the way.

  • Find no shame in starting over.

Source: Billy Chapata, Velvet Dragonflies

III. Set Yourself Free

10 things to let go of...

  1. The idea that you aren't ready.

  2. Trying to do everything alone.

  3. The rope that tethers you to the past.

  4. Saying yes when you want to say no.

  5. Comparing yourself to strangers on the internet.

  6. Believing all thoughts are facts.

  7. Living for the weekend.

  8. Waiting for the right time.

  9. Anything and everything that disturbs your peace.

  10. Anything and everything that does not bring you joy.

Source: Alysha Waghorn, Wonderland

IV. What We’re Excited About

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Wander REIT is the first and only institutional-grade vacation rental investment product. That means investors get all the tax-advantaged benefits of a REIT in a new asset category: vacation home rentals. Instead of the traditional apartment or office-building REITs, Wander REIT invests in the best of the best of vacation rentals.

Enjoy targeted 8% dividends and a 14% targeted total return with appreciation from hand-picked, stunning vacation homes – starting with a $2,500 minimum – without having to buy a property, change light bulbs or deal with guests. And for a limited time, new REIT investors may get an opportunity to invest in Wander’s next round of funding.

V. Question

If you know what you want, why are you waiting?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Embrace trial and error.

  2. Focus on what is in my control.

  3. Focus on consistency over perfection.

  4. Be patient with the process and myself.

  5. Give myself permission to experience joy.

The Last Words…

"When you're hard on yourself for slipping up, remember that consistency matters more than perfection. What you do every day is more important than what you do occasionally. You can stumble. You can fall. You can even stay on the ground for an extra second and take a deep breath before you force yourself to get back up. You can make mistakes. You can be imperfect. You can be human. You can give yourself grace. You can do it wrong before you get it right. You can be extra compassionate with yourself on the days you wish you could do over. Don't let a single bad moment halt your momentum. Don't let one step back negate a hundred steps forward. Don't let yourself give up when you've come so far. Your mistakes, your slip ups, your bad days ― it's all part of a beautiful journey. Take the lessons you need and carry them with you as you move forward. Keep going. Keep rising. Never forget why you started."

― Zanna Keithley, This is How You Find Your Way

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