Sunday Thinking

"The life you want to live can begin whenever you want it to."

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"No one talks about how you can deeply love your life and the people in it and still need pockets of time and space to be completely alone. We can't be anything to anyone if we are nothing to ourselves."

Alex Elle, Destined to Bloom

I. The Art of Delegation

One of the toughest transitions for leaders is shifting from doing to leading. To be great leaders, we must master the art of delegation.

So, why delegate?

  • Develop skills and confidence in your team. 

  • Enhance efficiency by assigning the right tasks.

  • Lighten your workload to focus on big-picture strategies. 

  • Empower team members to take initiative and grow.

  • Generate new ideas through collaboration.

  • Avoid burnout by sharing responsibilities.

  • Trust your team's abilities and judgment. 

  • Elevate overall team performance and morale.

Source: Chris Donnelly, The Step by Step Newsletter

II. Growing Beyond "I've Always Been That Way"

Two reasons a lot of people won't become who they want is because:

  1. They're too attached to who they've been. And you hear it all the time when people say "I've always been that way." Okay, well, if that's working for you, keep doing that. I knew it wasn't working for me any longer. I had hit my version of rock bottom.

  2. See, another reason people won't get there is that the doorway is for you to fit through. You're trying to carry everybody else through because you're trying to be rescue 911, and you have to rescue you first. 

Source: Lisa Nichols, Abundance Now

III. Let Nature Be Your Teacher

  • Let the trees teach you that growth requires patience.

  • Let the wind teach you that you can change direction and speed as you desire.

  • Let the flowers teach you that beautiful things do not bloom all year long.

  • Let the ocean teach you that you can be both calm and chaos, gentle and strong.

  • Let the clouds teach you that when things get too heavy it is time to release.

  • Let the stars teach you that darkness is needed to see the light.

  • Let the sun teach you that no matter how long you've been hidden you will always rise again.

IV. What We’re Excited About

Whiskey: The Tangible Asset for Your Portfolio

Most people fail to diversify their investments.

They invest all their money in intangible assets like stocks, bonds, and crypto.

The solution - fine whiskey.

Whiskey is a tangible asset, providing a unique appeal compared to other investments. Casks of whiskey have measurable attributes like size, age, and weight, making their value indisputable. This physical nature allows for clear identification of issues and adjustments to safeguard future value.

Vinovest’s expertise in managing these tangible assets ensures your whiskey casks are stored and insured to the highest standards, enhancing their worth over time. Discover how this tangible, appreciating asset can enhance your investment portfolio.

V. Question

How much overlap is there between what you say is important to you and how you spent your attention over the last month?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Keep dreaming.

  2. Keep doing.

  3. Keep growing.

  4. Keep going.

  5. Stop rescheduling my happiness.

The Last Words…

"People in this world, whether they were created a certain way or became that way through life’s circumstances, are who they are. Stop wishing they will be someone else. The next time you get upset with someone because they can’t do, or can’t be what you want them to be, remember the grass. Never get mad at a blade of grass because it’s not a tree. Appreciate the grass for what it is. Let it provide to you what it can, but don’t expect more. Your life will get so much easier when you start letting people be who they are and stop expecting them to give you what they don’t have or don’t know how to give. Just like that grass couldn’t provide shade because it wasn’t made to, some people are not made to give you what you’re asking for. So, stop looking for it. You will be shocked at how much peace you find when you really get this."

Tyler Perry, Higher is Waiting

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