Sunday Thinking

I choose to reveal the highest and best within me no matter the circumstances.

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“Perhaps the biggest tragedy of our lives is that freedom is possible, yet we can pass our years trapped in the same old patterns...We may want to love other people without holding back, to feel authentic, to breathe in the beauty around us, to dance and sing. Yet each day we listen to inner voices that keep our life small.”

― Tara Brach, Radical Compassion

I. Rethinking Goal Setting

Set a “worthy goal” that is deserving of your time, attention and energy.

No matter our longevity, life is short and precious. So let's define our worthy goal(s) and ensure it rates high with these three qualities:

  1. Thrilling  When you consider this idea or project, you get excited, because it resonates with you. You think “I want” and not “I should.”

  2. Important  Your idea contributes to others around you, either on a small scale, such as improving a relationship with someone, or on a large one, such as starting an organization.

  3. Daunting  While this idea excites you, it also stretches your talents and capabilities, pushing you to work outside your comfort zone.

Source: Michael Bungay Stanier, How to Begin

II. Notes To Self

  • Healing comes in waves. Progress comes in waves. Grief comes in waves. Creativity comes in waves. Growth comes in waves. Happiness comes in waves. Trust the journey.

  • Respect your capacities. Respect your intuition. Respect your priorities. Respect your boundaries. Respect your heart. Respect your journey. Respect your worth.

  • Don't water yourself down, shrink yourself, or revert to old ways just to keep a version of yourself that you have outgrown alive or to make others feel comfortable. Step forward into your growth.

Source: We The Urban

III. Old Thinking vs. New Thinking

As we navigate the 21st-century global economy as positive difference-makers, it will be wise to unlearn old ways of thinking to implement new ways of thinking that transform the lives and well-being of those we lead.

  • Employees are the biggest risk vs. Employees are the biggest asset

  • Top down communication vs. Open communication

  • Skill over behavior vs. Behavior over skill

  • Manage time vs. Empower results

  • Rigid work schedule vs. Flexible work schedule

  • At the desk vs. Remote

  • Work for the weekend vs. Do something you love

  • Corporate jargon vs. Genuine honesty

  • Double standard vs. One standard

  • Fear of failure vs. Fail often and fast

  • Enrich shareholders vs. Enrich lives

V. What We’re Excited AboutWhat We’re Excited About

Check out the world’s most comfortable, supportive, and sustainable insole. Improve your alignment, posture and overall wellness.

Fulton is a modern brand of arch support. They developed sustainable, supportive and comfortable insoles that improve your alignment and posture, preventing injury through:

  • A cork base, which absorbs shock and molds to your unique arch to provide custom support

  • Arch support and natural latex foam to improve overall comfort

  • Entirely natural and biodegradable materials to support not only you, but the planet.

VI. Question

Is this worry real or is my mind just looking for something to grab onto?

VII. This Week, I Will

  1. Seek to understand.

  2. Check-in on someone.

  3. Cultivate and foster joy.

  4. Remain open to evolving.

  5. Choose loving purpose over ego.

The Last Words…

“We think that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don't really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It's just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.”

― Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart

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