Sunday Thinking

My life is a moment to moment celebration of health and wholeness.

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.”

— Spencer Johnson

I. Finding Common Ground

  • Be approachable

  • Be relatable

  • Be capable

“A leader is one who… Has more faith in people than they do, and . . . who holds opportunities open long enough for their competence to re-emerge.” — Margaret Wheatley

II. The Five Ds of Conversation

  1. Dictating: Telling what to do.

  2. Debate: Arguing with zero sum.

  3. Discussion: Open conversation.

  4. Deliberation: Joint decision-making.

  5. Dialog: Exploring one another.

Source: Changing Minds

III. A Hard Skill to Master

One of the hardest skills to master is saying no to yourself so that you can rise up and unfold into a greater you:

  • no to distractions or lack of consistency.

  • no to the patterns/ways of being that only lead back into the past.

  • no to only doing what is easy.

  • no to doubt and fear

Source: Yung Pueblo, Meditator, Writer & Speaker

IV. Question

If you weren't here, if you could be anywhere you wanted to be, doing anything you wanted to do, where would you be and what would you be doing?

Source: Truman Capote

V. This Week I Will

  • Be kinder.

  • Do it now.

  • Slow down.

  • Cultivate solitude.

  • Unlearn to relearn.

The Last Words…

“Heroes are not giant statues framed against a red sky. They are people who say: This is my community, and it is my responsibility to make it better. Interweave all these communities and you really have an America that is back on its feet again. I really think we are gonna have to reassess what constitutes a hero.”

― Studs Terkel

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