Sunday Thinking

"I hope you learn how to be proud of where you are — even if it isn't exactly where you want to be."

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"You are beautifully positioned to make the next step in your life, placed with purpose to advance into the next stages of your growth. Water yourself with patience and trust the season you’re in currently even if it’s taking time to see the flowers from your bloom."

― Billy Chapata, Velvet Dragonflies

I. I Hope You…

I hope you find the kind of happiness that exists on your own terms.

  • I hope you truly take the time to figure out what moves you, what encourages your soul, what you deeply crave from life, and I hope you have the courage to chase that.

  • I hope you have the courage to believe that you are deserving of everything you desire, that you are capable and worthy of curating the kind of life for yourself that sparks something within you.

You have a fire inside of you — I hope you never let convenience, or comfort, or the easiness of standing still put it out. I hope you show the world what you can do with all of that passion inside of you.

Source: Bianca Sparacino, A Gentle Reminder

II. The Leadership Playbook

10 Things Every Coach and Leader Should Do:

  1. Dare greatly.

  2. Tell the truth.

  3. Keep it simple.

  4. Listen more, talk less.

  5. Abandon the unnecessary.

  6. Resist the pressure to conform.

  7. Take responsibility for your decisions.

  8. Put the fun back in the process and the game.

  9. Surround yourself with people who will challenge you.

  10. Be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody.

III. Eyes On The Road

  • Control what you can today. Show up for yourself and show up for your people. Protect your peace and protect your boundaries. Focus on what matters, not what's been sent to distract you.

  • A gentle reminder: You're only the main character in one story— your own. We are all handling our own problems, insecurities, and trauma as best as we can. Try to be kind. Try not to take things personally. Try to be a reflection of the love and empathy that you hope to receive.

  • You're unique. You're one in a billion. You're one of one. When you explore your passions and follow your heart, you create a blueprint that other people can try to replicate, but never overtake. Remember that nobody can copy the original without consulting the blueprint. Keep following your path.

Source: Michell C. Clark, Eyes On The Road

IV. What We’re Excited About

We put your money to work

Betterment’s financial experts and automated investing technology are working behind the scenes to make your money hustle while you do whatever you want.

V. Question

What if the moment that I'm experiencing right now is the only opportunity that I need?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Face my truths bravely.

  2. Actively build my dreams.

  3. Move beyond fear and comfort.

  4. Remember I am enough, exactly as I am.

  5. Cultivate meaningful moments and connections.

The Last Words…

"Create what your intuition is asking you to create. Do this as an act of service. You have no idea who you may end up helping or even the lives you may save simply by following the truth of your heart. Don’t let fear stop you from listening to your inner calling. Don’t let an unclear path discourage you from taking steps into the unknown. The greatest you arises when you begin to embrace the space beyond your comfort zone. You don’t need to have all the answers right now. You just need to be willing to take one step at a time...Let yourself live in your power. You hold a unique vision and that is your gift to the world."

― Yung Pueblo, Mental Tension & Intuition

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