Sunday Thinking

Moment to moment revelations of truth, creativity and wholeness inspire my living!

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“We can't trust ourselves to be perfect. We can't trust ourselves to be the best at anything. We can't trust ourselves to succeed. We can't trust ourselves to never cause harm and hurt. What we can trust is our disciplined effort to get to know ourselves. We can learn to know our triggers, our habitual reactions, our strengths, and weakness. All of this is possible and essential if we are to lead sanely in the midst of falling apart craziness.”

― Margaret J. Wheatley, Author & Management Consultant

I. 7 Rules of Life

  1. Make peace with your past so it won’t mess with your present.

  2. What others think of you is none of your business.

  3. Time heals almost everything, so give it time.

  4. Don’t compare your life to others, and don’t judge them.

  5. Stop thinking so much, it’s alright not to know the answers.

  6. No one is in charge of your happiness, except you.

  7. Smile, for you don’t own all the problems in the world.

II. Developing An Entrepreneurial Mindset

We can hone the skillsets required for successful entrepreneurship no matter our current job title.

  • Set clear goals. Setting a goal—speaking it to the universe, writing it down, mentioning it to friends and family who will hold you accountable—can subtly influence aspiring entrepreneurs to work towards that goal bit by bit each day.

  • Practice being decisive. Entrepreneurs, innovators, and new business owners must develop the ability to analyze a situation, absorb the relevant data, and make a confident decision.

  • Redefine failure. Failing typically has negative connotations, but the best entrepreneurs turn failure into something positive. Failing indicates that you’ve tried something, which can be a scary thing to do. True failure is not trying at all.

  • Face your fears. Many entrepreneurs fear public speaking, failure, and embarrassment. The only way to chisel away at that fear is to expose yourself to it. Getting rejected again and again will anesthetize you to the letdown.

  • Remain curious. Curiosity is one of the most important traits for entrepreneurs. To constantly learn and maintain your competitive edge, you must always seek out new people and new experiences. Never lose the curiosity to see around corners.

Source: MasterClass, Business 101: How to Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset

III. Living Our Truth

  • Who we really are?

  • How we really feel?

  • What we really desire?

  • What we really dream?

“Truth makes you rise to new heights, no matter where you are.” ― Kamal Ravikant, Live Your Truth

IV. Question

What quiets my doubt and elevates my confidence?

V. This Week I Will

  1. Try again after a setback.

  2. Smile more and say I love you.

  3. Lean into my creative brilliance.

  4. Take more mindful deep breaths.

  5. Control my attitude and thoughts.

The Last Words…

“Bravery is the audacity to be unhindered by failures and to walk with freedom, strength, and hope in the face of things unknown.”

― Morgan Harper Nichols, Artist, Poet & Musician

Today’s #DailyCoach is Presented By…

Our team at The Daily Coach is committed to servant leadership and continuous growth. With MainStreet, a revolutionary platform aimed at helping new entrepreneurs and small businesses uncover tax credits and other government incentives, leaders of all backgrounds can begin saving money today. Whether you’re already off the ground or just need that extra push, MainStreet is committed to providing the help you need!

Interested in partnering with The Daily Coach? Email us at [email protected]

P.S. Searching for a book recommendation? Our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World Cal Newport. Minimalism is the art of knowing how much is just enough. Digital minimalism applies this idea to our personal technology. It's the key to living a focused life in an increasingly noisy world. In this timely and enlightening book, the bestselling author of Deep Work introduces a philosophy for technology use that has already improved countless lives. Technology is intrinsically neither good nor bad. The key is using it to support your goals and values, rather than letting it use you. This book shows the way.

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