Sunday Thinking

"Hold on to your softness. This world will give you every reason to harden. Don't let it steal the beautiful parts of you that make you human."

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“The daily routine of most adults is so heavy and artificial that we are closed off to much of the world. We have to do this in order to get our work done. I think one purpose of art is to get us out of those routines. When we hear music or poetry or stories, the world opens up again. We’re drawn in — or out — and the windows of our perception are cleansed, as William Blake said. The same thing can happen when we’re around young children or adults who have unlearned those habits of shutting the world out.”

― Ursula K. Le Guin, Talking On the Water

I. The Art of Influence

Do's of Effective Leadership:

  1. Show Gratitude and Lead by Example

  2. Maintain Composure and Adapt + Innovate

  3. Encourage Teamwork and Prioritize Wisely

  4. Lead with Vision and Mind Your Impact

  5. Listen Actively and Communicate Clearly

  6. Act with Integrity and Be Reliable + Relatable

  7. Build Relationships and Always Be Learning

II. Hope You Don’t Forget

I hope you don't forget why you started. I hope you don't forget what made you say yes. Because as things get hard along the way, I hope you remember the things:

  • that moved you,

  • that made you feel so much joy,

  • that gives you purpose,

  • that made you say I want to do this. I want to do this for the rest of my life.

I hope you don't forget.

Source: Kingie, Artist & Storyteller

III. Life is Too Short

I think we spend too much time being afraid of our own mediocrity.

  • We don't want to sing too loudly in case someone finds out that we don't have a voice like glass. We don't write music because we aren't Mozart. We don't paint because we're not Picasso.

  • We don't tell people that we love them because our voice might shake when we say it. We try to be pretty criers. We don't dance because we aren't that good.

The reality of our humanity is that we are all a little bit average at a lot of things. The truth is that we're all not that good.

  • So stop holding yourself back from enjoying the things that you love because you're not a prodigy at everything.

  • Scream the song at the top of your lungs and confess your love. And let your voice be shaky. Cry big ugly tears. Dance really badly.

Because life is too short to be scared of being human.

Source: Whitney Hanson, Harmony

IV. We’re Excited About

The Daily Newsletter for Intellectually Curious Readers

  • We scour 100+ sources daily

  • Read by CEOs, scientists, business owners and more

  • 3.5 million subscribers

V. Question

When I’m leading and living a good day, what am I spending my time on and do the sources of information I am exposed to each day support that type of lifestyle or distract from it?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Start getting clear about what I want.

  2. Start getting clear about what I need.

  3. Start getting clear about what I value.

  4. Start getting clear about what I deserve.

  5. Intentionally care for my mind, body and spirit.

The Last Words…

“Go and love someone exactly as they are. And then watch how quickly they transform into the greatest, truest version of themselves. When one feels seen and appreciated in their own essence, one is instantly empowered.”

Wes Angelozzi, Writer

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