Sunday Thinking

The language of love, faith and intention speaks through all my conversations.

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”

― Joseph Campbell, Mythologist, Writer & Lecturer

I. To Lead by Serving

Those we lead are always reassessing and inquiring about these three questions:

  1. Do you care about me?

  2. Can you help me?

  3. Can I trust you?

The last thing we are is just a coach or leader. Our work is about changing and transforming lives. We are in the business of unleashing the vast potential of those we lead, mentor, love, and coach.

II. Unlearn, Relearn

Wharton organizational psychology professor Adam Grant weaves together research and storytelling in his latest bestselling book, Think Again, to help us build the intellectual and emotional muscle we need to stay curious enough about the world to actually change it.

If we incorporate Grant’s advice into our behavior, we will improve our lives and the lives of those around us:

  • Stay Humble

  • Question What You Know

  • Embrace Complexities and Nuances

  • Stay Curious and Test Your Assumptions

“The purpose of learning isn’t to affirm our beliefs; it’s to evolve our beliefs.”

Source: Adam Grant, Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know

III. Like Art, Life is a Canvas

No matter how our canvas looks and feels at this moment, we have the power to lean into that experience with greater faith, grace, and gratitude.

Gentle reminders to focus on what we can control and less on what we cannot:

  • We are free to change and shift. Do it. 

  • Trust is a sacred gift to give ourselves.

  • It's in the shedding that we can find growth.

  • The choice is ours to settle or to start living.

  • There is joy in this moment if we choose to discover and embrace it. 

IV. What We’re Thinking About…

As you may have noticed, the art market is booming right now.Deloitte reports that the overall art market is expected to explode over $900 BILLION by 2026. But despite this new boom, few people know about an “untouchable” asset class that the super-rich are pouring their money into.We recently found a little-known... but incredibly smart way... for everyday investors to diversify in fine art without breaking the bank. That’s why we can’t recommend enough signing up for Masterworks, the premier membership for investing in contemporary art.Over the last 25 years, data shows that contemporary art has consistently outperformed the S&P 500 by nearly two-fold. That’s a huge difference—even in a record bull market. It even outperformed gold and real estate over the same period, providing an inflationary hedge with steady returns. With results like that, it’s no surprise that over two-thirds of billionaires allocate more than 20% of their overall portfolio to art.Thanks to Masterworks you can invest in multi-million dollar works by artists like Picasso, Banksy and Basquiat. There's a reason why 86% of wealth managers recommend investing in art. 

As a special bonus, Daily Coach subscribers can skip their 17,000 person waitlist right here.*

*See disclaimer.

V. Question

What new positive habits are you currently working on building? What is your strategy for maintaining and sustaining this new habit in the long-term? 

VI. This Week I Will

  1. Practice gratitude.

  2. Spend time with myself.

  3. Speak to myself with respect.

  4. Choose courage over comfort.

  5. Acknowledge how far I've come.

The Last Words…

“Own the fear, find the cave, and write a new ending for yourself, for the people you’re meant to serve and support, and for your culture. Choose courage over comfort. Choose whole hearts over armor. And choose the great adventure of being brave and afraid. At the exact same time.”

― Brené Brown, Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.

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