Take Your Life Back

Being the best version of yourself starts with taking your life back.

“Happiness comes from living as you need to, as you want to. As your inner voice tells you to. Happiness comes from being who you actually are instead of who you think you are supposed to be.”

Shonda Rhimes, Television and Film Writer, Producer & Author

A large part of our lives can be determined by other people's expectations, opinions, and validation. Our system is strategically structured to take our lives away from us. Technology has become an unbelievable vehicle to do just that without a person ever realizing that their life is being undermined and controlled. You either control your life, or something exterior of you controls your life.

Being the best version of yourself starts with taking your life back. When you take your life back, you are the scorekeeper of your journey. You begin to manage your time, energy, and your environment more earnestly and wisely. When you take your life back, you become the artist of your canvas, the CEO of your life, and the author of your story. Life is no longer about winning and losing, right and wrong, yes and no. It becomes about self-control and the awakened pursuit towards cultivating the self-discovery experiences you envision filled with intent, harmony, and purpose. When you take your life back, you sharpen your mental clarity to elevate your performance while managing the voices, choices, attitudes, and behaviors in your life.

As you read these declarations, understand there is no finish line in taking your life back. The process is not merely a destination, but a transformative journey of surrendering and committing to a life of personal freedom, growth, truth, self-love, discovery, and acceptance.

  • Getting lost is how we find our way.

  • Ask yourself what you want and have the self-discipline to do it at the expense of disapproval from others.

  • Before you go to bed at night, find something to look forward to the next day.

  • Each day is an opportunity to learn. Be a student every day.

  • The talk will not walk. Saying it is not the same as doing it.

  • Surround yourself with fantastic teachers, listeners, and truth-tellers.

  • Seek to make tomorrow's promise today's reality.

  • Most people try to take too many things with them as they venture through life. They want to keep adding without giving up anything.

  • Take time to sincerely listen to someone else's story, struggles, ideas, successes, and passions.

  • Strive to do good things, expecting nothing in return.

  • If you do not know who you are when you wake up, you will know who you are by the evening because someone will tell you who you are.

  • Be careful not to take one person's opinion and turn it into the universal truth.

  • If you do not want to end up with regret on your death bed, choose self-education over entertainment.

There will never be a perfect time to begin taking your life back. So start where you are, at this moment deconstructing your ecosystem to rebuild a healthier and more vibrant physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual world to live and prosper in!

P.S. If you are in search of a book recommendation, our team at The Daily Coach highly recommend Leveraged Learning: How the Disruption of Education Helps Lifelong Learners, and Experts with Something to Teach by Danny Iny. This book explores how a broken education system creates an opportunity for experts and professionals to package their expertise into leveraged learning programs. These online courses then create transformation for the lifelong learners who need them and profit for the experts who create them.

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