Taylor Swift's Leadership

Taylor Swift recently gave away $100K bonuses to her truck drivers, and the gesture has some key lessons for us.

It’s the top concert tour of the summer, slated to bring in more than $1.4 billion in revenue.

But as Taylor Swift has filled 72,000-seat NFL stadiums, created life-long bonding moments for families, and seen her personal net worth skyrocket near $1 billion, she hasn’t lost sight of the behind-the-scenes workers who have helped make it all possible.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that Swift has given away $55 million in total bonuses to her truck drivers, dancers and sound technicians — with the drivers in particular receiving $100,000 each.

While we may not know much about Swift or be interested in her music, her gesture has two key lessons for us as leaders:

1. Take care of your role players

Swift is undoubtedly the biggest attraction in music this summer — and her Eras tour will likely go down as one of the most popular concert series’ in history. Even with her acclaim, Swift realizes her success wouldn’t be possible without the dozens of team members performing the seemingly menial tasks.

As leaders, just about all of us have people around us operating in relative obscurity. It’s easy to dismiss our managers, personal assistants or security personnel as inconsequential, but without them, our performance can easily suffer. Acknowledging their roles and making them feel significant is critical to building sustained cultural success and continuity within our teams.

2. If you have the means, go above and beyond

Swift isn’t lacking in cash, and the $100,000 bonus isn’t going to break the bank for her. But at the same time, she realizes it’s life-changing money for others, and went to extra lengths to improve workers’ lives when so many simply dismiss or overlook the contributions of their blue-collar employees.

As leaders, we’re often in positions of power where we can offer money, time or perhaps something else of value to those below us on the organizational chart. But too often, we penny pinch and refuse to empathize with where they are in their lives.

Swift realizes that while she didn’t have to do this, it was a kind gesture that conveyed a debt of gratitude and a genuine level of humility.

Her tour will likely go down as one of the more famous in summer concert history.

But beyond the packed stadiums, screaming fans and the entertainment effect, she’s provided lessons in compassion and service — and, ultimately, critical lessons in leadership.