Truth Telling

Hope fuels change.

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Truth Telling is a newsletter that commits to uncovering the bare truths of life for all to see. It is our attempt to live inside the mental landscapes of the world’s elite thinkers.

“Whatever has happened, whatever is going to happen in the world, it is the living moment that contains the sum of the excitement, this moment in which we touch life and all the energy of the past and future.”

― Muriel Rukeyser, Poet

“Everybody you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something. Know this. You never know what someone has been through, or what they’re going through today. Don’t be lazy and make empty judgments about them. Be kind. Ask about their stories. Listen. Be humble. Be teachable. Be a good neighbor.”

― Marc and Angel Chernoff, Hack Life

“The self, the place where we live, is a place of illusion. Goodness is connected with the attempt to see the unself… to pierce the veil of selfish consciousness and join the world as it really is.”

― Iris Murdoch, Philosopher & Novelist

P.S. Searching for a book recommendation? Our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations by John P Kotter and Dan Cohen. This book is your guide to helping people think and feel differently in order to meet your shared goals. According to bestselling author and renowned leadership expert John Kotter and coauthor Dan Cohen, this focus on connecting with people’s emotions is what will spark the behavior change and actions that lead to success. Refreshingly clear and eminently practical, The Heart of Change is required reading for anyone facing the challenges inherent in leading change.