Truth Telling + Recommended Reading

Love does not keep score.

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Truth Telling is a newsletter that commits to uncovering the bare truths of life for all to see. It is our attempt to live inside the mental landscapes of the world’s elite thinkers.

“Your commitment to your wellness is part of the revolution.”

― Danielle LaPorte, The Desire Map Experience

“First, it is an intention. Then a behavior. Then a habit. Then a practice. Then a second nature. Then it is simply who you are.”

— Brendon Burchard, High Performance Habits

“It was when I stopped searching for home within others / and lifted the foundations of home within myself / I found there were no roots more intimate / than those between a mind and body / that have decided to be whole.”

― Rupi Kaur, Poet, Artist & Performer

What We’re Reading Online

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