Truth Telling + Recommended Reading

One of the kindest things we can do for a person is tell them the truth.

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Truth Telling is a newsletter that commits to uncovering the bare truths of life for all to see. It is our attempt to live inside the mental landscapes of the world’s elite thinkers.

“Tell me what you pay attention to and I will tell you who you are.”

— José Ortega y Gasset, Man and Crisis

“Instead of feeling that you’ve blown the day and thinking, “I'll get back on track tomorrow,” try thinking of each day as a set of four quarters: morning, midday, afternoon, evening. If you blow one quarter, you get back on track for the next quarter. Fail small, not big.”

— Gretchen Rubin, Better Than Before

“Some periods of our growth are so confusing that we don’t even recognize that growth is happening. We may feel hostile or angry or weepy and hysterical, or we may feel depressed. It would never occur to us, unless we stumbled on a book or a person who explained to us, that we were in fact in the process of change, of actually becoming larger than we were before.

Whenever we grow, we tend to feel it, as a young seed must feel the weight and inertia of the earth as it seeks to break out of its shell on its way to becoming a plant. Often the feeling is anything but pleasant.

But what is most unpleasant is the not knowing what is happening. Those long periods when something inside ourselves seems to be waiting, holding its breath, unsure about what the next step should be… for it is in those periods that we realize that we are being prepared for the next phase of our life and that, in all probability, a new level of the personality is about to be revealed.”

— Alice Walker, Living by the Word: Essays

What We’re Reading Online

Be it travel, tech, health, people, business or content marketing, Reporter’s Diary by Zahid Javali is anecdotal writing that’s hard to find elsewhere.

Not only does Zahid’s writing inform, it educates, enlightens and even entertains. One of our favorite recent pieces is 11 ways to beat stress, which provides actionable insights to overcome stress-related problems.