Truth Telling + Recommended Reading

Understand there is no endpoint or arrival date. We are forever students.

Truth Telling is a newsletter that commits to uncovering the bare truths of life for all to see. It is our attempt to live inside the mental landscapes of the world’s elite thinkers.

"Owning your truth can be hard, but not nearly as hard as spending your life running away from it."

― Marc and Angel Chernoff, Hack Life

“We’re in a very divisive moment. And if there’s one thing these phenomena hopefully help you understand, is that we shouldn’t be so dismissive of each other and each other’s experiences. There’s a lot that we don’t know.”

― Dr. Mona Sobhani, Neuroscientist

"Imagine this: You no longer get pulled into heightened anxiety by what happens moment-to-moment on the news or in your feed. A negative phone call no longer steals your peace of mind. You can be present to the world’s pain and fear without falling prey to it. (And no, you don’t have to hide away in a cabin with no Internet!) Love, peace, harmony, joy, abundance, and bliss. These ideal attributes are within you already. You simply have to tune in and awaken to your inherent divine qualities. With practice and attention they then become core states of being. You live as them. You become a radiant representation of love, peace, and harmony."

― Michael B. Beckwith, Spiritual Leader

What We're Reading Online

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