How Will You Meet Today's Turbulence?

Feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and trepidation do not make us weak or diminish our abilities as coaches and leaders. They simply make us human.

“A moment of clarity without any action is just a thought that passes in the wind. But a moment of clarity followed by an action is a pivotal moment in our life.”

― Don Miguel Ruiz Jr., Best-Selling Author, The Mastery of Self

Life is filled with turbulent moments. The future depends on how we choose to meet them.

We can face them with fear and division, or we can choose to approach with love and unity. As leaders and positive-difference makers, it is our moral obligation to cultivate a sense of trust, poise, and internal courage to those around us, no matter how unsteady these times may be.

Feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and trepidation do not make us weak or diminish our abilities as coaches and leaders. They simply make us human. However, the key is to recognize these emotions without getting paralyzed by them. Each day, we must strive to dismantle these schisms with action. We may not control everything life presents us, but we can refuse to be reduced and defeated by its obstacles.

We must use moments of discomfort and distress to uncover vast prowesses within us. We must activate our inner strength. By reaching beyond what is normal in difficult times, we reveal our true character.

May the following themes provide comfort, faith, and direction as we tackle these turbulent times together.


Time is our most valuable asset and precious commodity. We must use our 86,400 seconds, 1,440 minutes, 24 hours wisely and earnestly. Each day, we must examine and reflect on our thoughts, behaviors, and actions.


Life is love, and if we miss love, we miss life. Allow love to be the transcending force today.


Read daily with an open heart. Books can take us on a journey of growth and awareness to a place we never knew existed. The unique opportunity to discover endless possibilities lies in the power of books.


Carry someone across the bridge of life. One of the greatest things about life is the opportunity to serve. Never underestimate the power of a kind word or smile.


Do not search for information, search for enlightenment. Wisdom is the art of recognizing what we do not know but need to know. Wisdom not only knows, but it understands. Everyone you encounter is a teacher, including life itself.


The most important relationship we will ever have is the one with ourselves. Take time daily to get to know yourself. Internationally renowned author and speaker Wayne Dyer once said, “You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.”

The Future

Change before we have to change. Technology has blurred the lines, so it is vital to be a global citizen. We must leverage technology to improve the quality of our performance, instruction, and relationships, while not devaluing the power of human touch and connection.

Today, we must harvest a greater dose of strength, belief, and perseverance to turn obstacles into opportunities. It always through the courageous sharing of our trials, traumas, and fears that make us human and interconnected with our neighbors. This is as appropriate a time as any to be good to one another and to do our part!

P.S. If you are in search of a book recommendation, our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer. Whether this is your first exploration of inner space, or you’ve devoted your life to the inward journey, this book will transform your relationship with yourself and the world around you. Michael A. Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization.

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