Not all underachievers are alike. Too often, we label them under one umbrella and are left wondering why some adapt, while others never realize their full potential.
It’s the age-old problem of being liked and being respected. Can the leader party with the people he/she leads?
Today I joyfully exercise my right to shine.
The truth hurts. The truth heals. Forgiveness is key.
We must realize anything that deviates from the status quo is frightening at first but usually worthwhile in the end.
Creating an environment where truth is the standard can be challenging, but it’s critical for the teams we lead.
Our lives may seem like they’ve changed, but in reality, they’ve only shifted.
We get caught up in the details and only find what we’re looking for, not what’s actually out there.
When we want something in life, either professionally or personally, we need to determine how far we are willing to go to achieve our goals.
My life is a canvas — I cover it with acts of kindness, beauty and generosity.
We can spend our entire lives resisting the truth. But luckily, the truth does not care.
Dismissing a dream or shifting a focus doesn’t mean we’re quitters.