Not taking the time to explore and uncover the right questions is a disservice to ourselves and to those we lead.
Ultimately, how we lead ourselves becomes the shining example of how we lead others.
The most important lesson of all is that we must self-evaluate at least once a week — while we still have the job.
Focus on the process, the preparation, and the details, never the outcome.
Starting the day with the fewest number of decisions to make helps us have the energy and focus when a critical decision becomes needed.
Close the doors in your life that lead to old and destructive habits, thoughts, and ways of living.
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Let's fully commit as a global community of consciousness to being positive change agents and positive difference makers in as many lives a possible.
These will be uncharted waters for all leaders, which means an uncharted course of leadership.
We need to understand those we lead. We need to know their strengths, their weaknesses, and how those qualities can help the team.
If you do these five things each day, you will find more time, be able to focus more clearly and, most of all reduce stress.
FDR led a prayer to our nation that to this day remains a paragon in elocution and empathy, courage and charisma, leadership under duress.