We must all prepare our teams to handle the "next person up" mentality.
When we start shouting, it often means we’ve lost control of the situation — and our teams can sense that.
What we need more of is a video showing a winning culture in action, when they are LOSING.
We don't have time for our phones; we don't have time to check Twitter or Instagram.
Real and meaningful changes take place in the field of my willingness.
The problem with success is that we start to believe the hype.
You don’t talk to people. You talk to their minds.
As leaders and positive difference-makers, we need to give ourselves permission to show up in this life as flawed, self-compassionate human beings.
Leading with fear creates four problems that tend to linger and create major challenges.
Let’s make peace with it. We’re not for everyone. And not only are we not for everyone, we’re not for most people.
When we want our players to raise the level of competitiveness within our team, we must get them to understand it all starts from within.
Solutions to my challenges are already within me.