Brady undoubtedly gave his post-football career great reflection before rendering a verdict.
Being the underdog with few expectations affords us some freedoms that may not have otherwise been available.
How many of our own team members and players truly understand what being resilient means?
"True power is living the realization that you are your own healer, hero and leader."
To achieve success and excellence we must risk falling and failing.
Pick and choose how you invest your time, don't just spend it.
In a world where we can be anything, we often choose to be something other than ourselves.
There are always internal biases at play than can impact the words we impart on people.
We typecast those we lead into various roles based on our expectations and our own past experiences.
One of the hardest things for us as leaders is to accurately assess progress.
I choose to reveal the highest and best within me no matter the circumstances.
People have to believe in you before they will listen to you.