As we reflect on the year, let’s make sure we take a little time to acknowledge ourselves and what we have accomplished to date.
Leading with selflessness is always the right approach.
The best leaders aren’t power-hungry — they’re culture-hungry. And there is a huge distinction between these that not everyone understands.
You will bloom if you take the time to water yourself.
Sometimes the only way forward is to start over.
There is a big difference between temporary failure and total defeat. Temporary failure can lead to total success.
He was open-minded, practical and refused to capitulate to short-term failure.
We need to look inward when problems arise, not blame others.
Whether we’re choosing gifts for the holidays or contemplating a new career path, there are seven important decision-making steps.
It’s easy to be well-behaved and considerate after success. But how do we respond when we feel we’ve been wronged?
“Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence.”
The biggest failure of the machine is the inability to love.