Celebrate your uniqueness and story, never forgetting to live is to be slowly born.
The last thing any of us want to do is to die with our dreams still inside of us.
We need to look at our mistakes face on and use them as a learning lesson. We cannot allow our ego to get in the way of doing the right thing.
The best gift you will open today is your mind—you can accomplish all your aspirations with the right mindset.
It’s not about what we receive when we open our presents. But what we give to others each new day we have the gift at life.
Bill Walsh valued these seventeen principles more than his famous West Coast offense.
Guard against technology hijacking our minds.
As you reflect on this year and prepare for 2020, realize wisely and earnestly regardless of race, religion, color, creed, and sexual orientation, we all have something in common.
Our team at The Daily Coach send our sincere congratulations to Joe Burrow for his gratitude and stellar achievements on and off the field of play.
See beyond the obvious with wisdom and courage. Don’t fall for stars. Fall for truths.
We need to create an environment from the beginning based on honest coaching and leading.
You are in the business of unleashing the vast potential of the teams and organizations that you lead.